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  • The Age of the Wizard

    Published: 01-04-2024

    In the world of learning and skill-building, there's a type of person known as the magician. They're like a person who uses a lot of time to understand things better. Every little detail which they think will help. When it comes to strength training, if we overthink or over research things we can sometimes make things harder than they need to be.

    With the oversaturation of the fitness information online it's easy to get overwhelmed. There are probably thousands of Youtube videos on strength training. 90%+ of them probably tell you what you already know. In ten years time there will even more and nothing will change. We end up spending too much time learning and not enough time doing. We get stuck on a weight and try to research or think our way out of the problem.

    When it comes to getting stronger, things should be simple. We don't need to know every little detail. We just need to focus on the basics and keep at it. Patience. Diet. Rest. And obviously hard work. It's like learning to ride a bike—we don't need to know all the science behind it, we just need to keep pedaling.

    To keep things simple, we need to be aware about how we use information. Instead of trying to learn everything, we should focus on what's most important. By sticking to the basics and understanding the simple truths about exercise, we can avoid getting lost in a sea of information.

    So, let's remember that getting stronger doesn't have to be complicated. By keeping things simple and focusing on what works, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals.

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